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Cé muid

The Daughters of Charity Child and Family Service (DoCCFS) is a not for profit public service organisation. We provide a range of therapeutic supportive services to children and families based in the greater Dublin region.


Our Services include an Early Childhood Development Service (ECDS), Family Centre Service, Dublin Safer Families Service and Assessment Services. 


The Daughters of Charity Child and Family Service are committed to research and evaluation of our Service. The information gathered helps us to improve our service and to provide a high quality service to families.


Conas a mhaoinítear muid

How we are funded

We are funded principally by Tusla Dublin North, North City and North East, Dublin South, South Central and Wicklow and Dublin Mid Leinster.


The Service operates with other funding partnerships to include:


  • HSE

  • Dept. of Employment Affairs & Social Protection

  • Pobal

  • Mosney Management

  • IPAS (International Protection Accommodation Service)

  • Dept of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth

  • Dept. of Justice

  • Daughters of Charity

  • Wicklow County Council


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​CODE OF GOVERNANCE The DoCCFS fulfills all the recommended guideline actions for compliance for a Type C organisation as defined by the Governance Code for Community, Voluntary and Charitable Organisations ( Our Service is committed to withholding the standards set out in the principles of the Code of Governance which is reviewed on a yearly basis. The DoCCFS is listed on as a fully compliant organisation.

The DoCCFS is governed by a voluntary board which maintains oversight and guides the strategic direction of the organisation. As an organisation:

  • We are accountable to our clients to respect their individual experiences, provide effective supports and work towards achieving the best outcomes possible

  • We are accountable to the public and our funders for the monies we receive and how these funds are spent

  • We are accountable to our partners to work together to produce the best outcomes possible for the children and  families  we support


We adhere to a number of regulatory frameworks as well as voluntary codes which we work within to further promote transparency and accountability within the organisation. The DoCCFS follows its legal and regulatory compliance obligations in relation to children:

  • DoCCFS is compliant with the Charities Regulatory Authority

  • DoCCFS benchmarks itself against the voluntary Governance Code


The DoCCFS follows its legal and regulatory compliance obligations in relation to children:

  • Children First National Guidelines for the Protection and Welfare of Children 2017

  • Children First Act 2015

  • National Standards for the Protection and Welfare of Children (HIQA) Data Protection Procedures and Legislation

  • Domestic Violence Act 2018


Our Service Level Agreement with our principal funder Tusla outlines DoCCFS full legal and regulatory responsibilities towards our clients, young people and children.

DoCCFS is compliant in relation to the employment or our workers:

  • Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2013

  • Employment Legislation

  • ​Child Care Act, 1991 (Early Years Service Regulations 2016)


Our People

Our People

Foireann Ardbhainistíochta

Dr. Tracey A Monson - Príomhoifigeach Feidhmiúcháin

Geraldine O'Hara - Ceann Oibríochtaí

Alan Corcoran - Bainisteoir Acmhainní Daonna

Michelle Nolan - Ceannaire Airgeadais, Rialachais agus Comhlíonta


Bainisteoirí Seirbhíse Sinsearacha 

Thomas Matthews - Seirbhísí Teiripeacha Leanaí agus Teaghlaigh

Dorothy Duffy - An tSeirbhís um Fhorbairt na Luath-Óige

Catherine Sheerin - Seirbhísí Cosanta (Seirbhísí Measúnaithe, Seirbhís Teaghlaigh níos Sábháilte Bhaile Átha Cliath agus an tSeirbhís um Chosaint Leanaí)

Bord Stiúrthóirí

Goretti Butler, an tSr. Marian Harte, an tUasal Ciaran Roche (Cathaoirleach), an tUasal Paul Harrison, an tUasal John Tuffy, an tUasal Roslyn O’Shaughnessy Donoghue agus an tUasal Brian McCarthy.

Daughters of Charity (6).jpg

Oibrigh Linn

Work with Us

We we believe in the success of our organisation.  It is our policy to recruit and develop highly positive, optimistic, professionally qualified skilled and experienced employees who share the vision, mission and values of the organisation.  The Daughters of Charity Child and Family Service is an equal opportunities employer and welcomes applications from all sections of the community.

We currently employ staff in various capacities.  Our staff and volunteers are our greatest asset.  They are incredibly passionate and enthusiastic about what they do.  If you share their sense of commitment or are interested in a role that challenges and rewards in equal measure, look out for career opportunities and volunteering positions on our News items.

The Daughters of Charity Child & Family Service offer career opportunities in the following areas:

  • Therapeutic Family Workers

  • Family Assessment Workers

  • ECDS Workers

  • Managers of Family Centres, Assessment Centres and  ECDS Centres

  • Administrative  and support services


For further information please contact our HR Department.

Daughters of Charity Child & Family Service
Management Office, Suite 9 Northwood House,

Northwood Crescent, Northwood,
Santry, Dublin 9, D09 WV82

Tel: (01) 8425100 M: 086 0353831

Féach ar ár gcuid Nuachta ar an leathanach baile le haghaidh folúntais 


Bígí linn


The Daughters of Charity Child and Family Service welcome and actively support volunteer involvement in our organisation. 

  • Volunteers who are qualified, or students who are in year 3 or 4 in areas such as social care, social science, counselling, psychotherapy and humanities are invited to contact us

  • We also welcome volunteers who have professional experience in admin, IT etc

  • All volunteers will be required to be Garda Vetted before commencing work

  • For transition year students who are 16 garda vetting age as well as to references

For more information please contact



For more information about our policies please contact your relevant service.

Contact Us
Distanced Couple

Contact Us

Family Centres

Aistear Beo Connaught St. Family Centre 
1st Floor, Commercial House,

West End Village,

Blanchardstown, D15. D15 XY0F
P: 01 8852680


Manager: Avryll de Burca 

Arklow Springboard Family Centre 
27 Ferrybank 
Co. Wicklow. Y14 H025
P: 0402 24828

Manager: Tracey Redmond

​Balbriggan Family Centre  
Unit 7, Level 1,

Millfield Shopping Centre,

Balbriggan, Co. Dublin. K32 PK51
P: 01 6905158


Manager: Karin Davy

Cherry Orchard Family Centre 
Cherry Orchard Avenue,

Ballyfermot, Dublin 10. D10 C973
P: 01 6231313


Manager: Aisling Ryan

Jobstown Family Centre

Mary Mercer Centre

Fortunestown Road,


Dublin 24. D24 K854

P: 01 4585703


Manager: Laura Murphy

Lisdeel Family Centre

Lisdeel House,

Swords Road,

Santry, D9. D09 T2F2

P: 01 8625195


Manager: Cliodhna O’Sullivan

Turas Family Centre 
Our Lady Immaculate Junior School,


Dublin 17. D17 WT02
P: 01 8771716/1713


Manager: Lynda Dooley

Early Childhood Development Service

Goldenbridge ECDS

Off Emmet Cresent,

Inchicore, Dublin 8. D08 X985

p: 01 4537025


Manager: Paula Roantree

St. Joseph's Day Nursery Centre ECDS

Morning Star Road,


Dublin 8. D08 YD63

P: 01 4537891


Manager: Martha Harnett

St. Louise’s ECDS

1 Catherines Court , William Street North,

Dublin 1. D01 W9H2

P: 01 855 4034


Manager: Fiona Hughes

Mabuhay ECDS

Mosney Accommodation Centre, Laytown, County Meath. A92 ED6V

P: 041 981 1234


Manager: Sherry Lynne Swarres

St. Vincent’s ECDS

Ballyfermot Primary & Mental Health Care Campus, Ballyfermot Road, Dublin 10. D10 C973

p: 01 6268545


Manager: Aisling O'Brien

Tír na nÓg ECDS

Cameron Court, Cameron St. (off Cork St.),

Dublin 8. D08 NVX0

P: 01 4537840


Manager: Joanne McDonnell

Domestic Violence Services

Dublin Safer Families Service 
Claidhe Mor,

Swords Road,


Dublin 9. D09 NY65 
P: 01 8627700

Manager: Margaret Joyce

Assessment Centres

St. Benedict's Assessment Centre

Resource Centre,

Swansnest Road,


Dublin 5.  D05 V1F6

P: 01 8488137


Manager: Pamela Caffrey

Lisdeel Assessment Centre

Lisdeel House,

Swords Road,

Santry, Dublin 9. D09 T2F2

P: 01 8425955


Manager: Suzanne Finnegan

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