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Parenting Resources

Parenting can be a very rewarding experience. However, even in the best of times our role as a parent can be challenged whether it’s general parenting issues or traumatic experiences in the family. It may even feel at times you are failing in your role as a parent or not a good enough one, which may prevent you seeking professional support. Remember, you are not alone, and most parents will experience these feelings at some point.
The Daughters of Charity Child and Family Service provide support to parent’s in many areas such as;
Supporting parent’s relationships with their children;
We supporting parent/child relationship difficulties using various parenting programmes and therapeutic approaches such as Marte Meo Therapy, Circle of Security and Polyvagal theory to support parents to build positive connections with their children.
​What is Marte Meo Therapy?
What is Circle of Security?
Childhood behavioural difficulties;
We support parents to manage difficult childhood behavioural difficulties using various parenting programmes such as Parents Plus programme for younger children and teenagers.
What is Parents Plus;
Child to parent violence;
We support parents where there is child to parent violence in the family home using a ‘Non- Violent Resistance’ approach to support a new ‘parental authority’ in the family home.
What is Non Violence Resistance (NVR)?
Acrimonious Parental Separation;
We support parents to gain an understanding of what children experience during ‘Acrimonious Parental Separation’ using a co-parenting programme that aims to reduce the negative experiences children have when living through an acrimonious parental separation.
We use tailored parenting supports to help meet the individual needs of each family that we work with.

Play Activities for Children

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