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Meeting the needs of families in a constantly changing world
Wellbeing Resources
Wellbeing & Support
Promoting and supporting employee wellbeing is central to the mission, vision and values of DoCCFS. Employee Wellbeing and Support is a key pillar in our strategic plan. A wellbeing programme that is well conceived and executed can help increase employee job satisfaction, performance & effectiveness and can ultimately contribute to better outcomes for children and families.
Working from Home during the Covid 19 Emergency
The nationwide response to the Covid 19 emergency has been multi-layered and complex. Alongside the tragic loss of life in this medical emergency it has been difficult and challenging to adjust to the new circumstances. At the same time there has also been a growing sense of a robust community response and a virtual solidarity growing across many aspects of society.
Similar to many other organisations and service providers during the Covid 19 Emergency we moved to providing remote services to children and families. To support this initiative, we have provided advice and guidance to professionals on topics such as self-care when working remotely, tips on how to manage your home to help work more effectively and how to manage your time when working remotely.
Working from Home is a new experience for many organisations and can be particularly challenging for professionals in the Voluntary & Community Sector. To assist with this, we set up a working group to examine how we can best support our employees in this area. We identified six categories where support would be beneficial. The six areas we identified are:
Teamwork & Communication
Wellbeing & Support
Time Management & Organisation skills
Supporting Professional Practice
House Rules – Set up your home for success
Health & Safety
We have resources available in each of these categories designed to provide support to professionals who are working from home (for part or all of their day). These resources are presented in leaflet form for ease of use.
They are designed to complement, and work in tandem with the professional supports that we already have in place such as supervision, open-door communication with management, regular HR Support Meetings and our Employee Assistance Programme.
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