October 10th & 11th 2019
Press Release 10th October 2019
Innovative Dublin Safer Families Domestic Violence Service demonstrates proven outcomes in reducing violence in families
Today, Thursday 10th October, innovative Dublin Safer Families Service shines a light on the need to think differently in the way we respond to Domestic Violence. Dublin Safer Families is a Gender, Sexual and Domestic Violence Service that works with parents and children to increase family safety and to prevent and stop violence. It is the only organisation in Ireland working with the entire family, including the perpetrator, to create safety for the children and families.
At its inaugural International Conference, Intervening After Domestic Violence: Working Systemically with Victims, Children and Perpetrators, over 200 stakeholders from around Ireland and beyond will hear from a strong compliment of speakers who will share their experience in the areas of safety in family relationships, well-being of professionals, children and coercive control, working on the frontline and working with those who use violence and abuse within their intimate relationships.
As we are all too aware, the issue of Domestic Violence has been prolific in Irish Society in recent years and there have been many distressing cases highlighted in the media. Daughters of Charity Child and Family Service have identified a year on year increase of domestic violence across their Family Centres and Assessment Centres with 33% and 63% respectively of families referred in 2018 having a presence of domestic violence. In the Dublin Safer Families Service, 35% of referrals reached the criteria for “Threat of Death”.
Speaking at the Conference today, Dr Tracey Monson, Director of Services said
“As a result of our direct experience and the growing need to look at things differently in order to change how society as a whole responds to domestic violence we established of the Dublin Safer Families Service on a pilot basis almost three years ago. It has been evaluated by Trinity Research in Childhood Centre, Trinity College Dublin, and the outcomes of the work are significant in the areas of reduction of violence and an increase in positive mental health and well-being. This Conference is the first step in a call to action to strengthen collaborative and a whole societal response to address this issue.
We must work together, across all departments and professions to address the growing problem of domestic violence and to enhance the response for those that experience it. Today, as we move towards the end of the pilot phase, there is an urgent need to secure funding to secure the sustainability of this innovative service and the critical outcomes it is achieving.
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Click here for the Executive Summary Report
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